Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Stop Changing The Rules? People Can’t Keep Up.
Rules are only adjusted when we have had significant feedback from the members of a rule being problematic or when it can be improved upon. RESA® will always value and respond to member feedback as it is our responsibility to listen in order to create the best programs possible.
Why Did The Name of Each of the Creative Categories Change?
After a considerable review of the history of the awards and the evolution of the industry we have decided to change the names of the categories to better serve the winners. The Home Staging Company will now win the award instead of a single person. Winners will be able to market their accomplishments as: Vacant Staging, Top Ten, United States, and Vacant Staging of the Year United States and referred to with your company name. The Redesign category will be referred to as, Redesign Top Ten and the winner will be referred to as, Redesign of the Year, and referring to your company name.
The winners in the United States categories will be finalists for Professional Home Staging Company of the Year United States and the Winners in the Canadian categories will be finalists for Professional Home Staging Company of the Year Canada. The finalists that had the highest overall score will become the overall winners for the United States and Canada.
Are Kitchens and Bathrooms Allowed?
No. Kitchen and bathroom stagings are no longer allowed in any category. We have decided to remove kitchens and bathrooms from all categories because there are not a lot of technical aspects of staging to showcase, and when kitchens and bathrooms that have been remodeled are submitted the focus is changed to the remodel, instead of the staging.
Photos that have a kitchen in the background, where it is not the main focus of the photo will be allowed.
Is it a violation of the rules to have the photos taken from different angles?
No. However, it’s best practice to take them from the same angle. History indicates submissions score lower when you are unable to identify the before photo as being the same room as the after photo because the angle is off.
Why are construction items or small staging inventory items not allowed in the before photos?
Because it is our responsibility to put forth the most professional award program possible. We have done research on awards processes and it is standard to have the before photo be an honest clean image in order to deliver the best viewing experience. This is the difference between a professional award program and a mediocre one.
Tip: If you forget to get the before shot prior to staging or your before shot had items in them, take the shot after you have de-staged and be conscious of not having the before photo of a vacant room with art, rugs, accessories, boxes, construction materials, keys on counters, files on counters, people, paper floor protectors, etc. To avoid being disqualified please don’t submit photos that include items that are not attached to the property.
Why does the occupied category allow for purchased, rented, or stager inventory? Shouldn’t it be just what the client has?
These items are allowed because this is how stagers work in today’s current market conditions. Twenty years ago, an occupied staging used only what the client had on hand. Our industry has evolved and this category has adapted to the current reality of occupied staging.
How come we do not offer regional awards? It seems that a cliff house can’t compete with a McMansion.
The Home Staging Industry Awards are not a comparative-competitive award program. Each entry is judged on its own merit as opposed to being compared to other entries. Due to this the issue of one entry competing against another does not exist.
Should the Peer Review panel be the same people year after year? It seems like if the same people review they will better understand the rules and make pre-judging easier.
It is not a reasonable expectation, nor would it make pre-judging easier. Members come and go, members volunteer one year, but want to do something different the next year. The rules are clear and easy to follow. If a member of the Peer Review Panel finds the task difficult to determine if people are in the before photos, if disallowed items are in the before photos, if an entry may be in the wrong category or if the entry is of a kitchen or bathroom they should let HQ know they would like to be excused.
Should the Peer Review Panel consist of people outside of our industry to eliminate bias?
No. The Peer Review Panel phase and member voting phase are both blind in nature. No one knows who submitted the entry and when an entry is tagged for a violation HQ Staff verifies if it is indeed a violation. It’s a black and white process which eliminates bias.
It seems like the awards are more about great photography vs great staging. The winners seem to be the entries that used a professional photographer such as an architectural photographer vs being taken from a camera phone or a regular real estate photographer and this is not a fair competition. Why is this allowed?
Professional photography is heavily encouraged to accompany professional staging. It is RESA’s responsibility to promote the highest standards in the industry. RESA does not lower our standards to accommodate those who can’t meet them.
Tip: By using a professional photographer you increase your legitimacy and professionalism in the industry by showcasing your best work in the best light possible.
Why are the luxury properties in the non-Luxury categories?
They are not allowed. We have a specific category for Luxury staging that requires the price-point to be in the top 20% of the market. While we trust our members to make the appropriate choice of category, if an entry is suspected of being in the wrong category the Peer Review Panel will tag it for member clarification.
How Many Times Can We Submit In Each Category?
As many times as you want. In previous years members were only allowed to enter once per category. Members may now submit as many projects as they wish in the same category.
If We Can Now Submit As Many Times As We Want In Each Category, How Many Times Can We Make The Top Ten In Each Category?
Theoretically, ten. While we do not think this will happen, one stager could possibly take multiple top ten spots.
How Many Before And After Photos Do We Enter In Each Staging Category?
One before and after example. In previous years each category required three different before and after staging examples. This year each category requires one before and after example.
Can I vote for my own submissions?
Can The Winners In Each Category Enter The Same Category The Following Year?
Yes. In previous years the winners were not eligible to compete in the same category they won. This year, last year’s winners and finalists may enter again in the same category. Except for the RESA Approved Instructor, Lori Kim Polk Lifetime Achievement and Kathy Nielsen Spirit Award.
Besides One Before and After Example What Additional Information Is Required To Submit?
- Company name, location, designations, and website URL.
- Photo of yourself (jpg)
- Company logo (jpg)
- Project details: Square footage, Number of Rooms Staged, Total Cost to Stage Including Rental Fees, Staged to Sold DOM, If sold for over list price, how much over list did it sell?
Why Can’t People Be In The Photos and Can They Be Blurred Out?
People can’t be in photos because the submissions may not contain any identifying information as to the identity of the stager. Any submissions in the staging, redesign categories or STR Categories with people in them will be disqualified. Faces blurred are not allowed. No exceptions.
Can I Nominate Myself For The Most Influential People in Real Estate Staging?
Yes, and you can still be nominated. The public will vote to determine the Top 100 Most Influential People in Real Estate Staging. Nominees are allowed to solicit votes when voting begins.
Is The Most Innovative Product or Service of the Year Open to Non RESA Partners?
No. This category is now for RESA Partners Only. All RESA Partners will be entered into this category automatically.
Do I Need To Submit For The State|Provincial President of the Year
No. All State and Provincial Presidents will automatically be nominated. You will need to accept the nomination by answering questions about their experience in leadership and the members will vote to determine the winner.
Do I Need To Submit For Chapter of the Year?
No. All Chapters will automatically be nominated. You will need to accept the nomination by answering questions about the chapters and the RESA® Board of Directors will vote to determine the winner.
Am I required to attend RESACON in order to win?
RESACON attendance is not required to win. Awards are distributed to the winners at the Home Staging Industry Award Banquet at RESACON. Winners may have awards shipped to them at their expense.
I Don’t Live In North America, Can I Still Enter The Awards?
The Home Staging Industry Awards Service North America.
For the Rising Star Categories, what qualifies when I started my business? Is it when I opened my LLC or when I took my training or the date of the first property I staged?
RESA® considered the date you staged your first property for the purpose of the Home Staging Industry Awards.